Morley Music Management


Listen to my latest track, Never Say Goodbye, by clicking the play button below:

Click the three dots and select Download if you wish to download the track.



About Tom

My name is Tom Morley, I decided to call myself TOMAS! -and so it go’s?

My influences? - well, are all of greats I suppose.

The style of music I put out, is quite eclectic and varied. Studying all aspects, and all genres over the years, has been beneficial.

The main theme of my music is, - country/pop/rock, with a few romantic, and powerful ballads thrown in, - for the perfectionists, and connoisseurs.

Being a published poet has helped my cause, thirty years as a wordsmith and rhythm guitarist has been a long worthwhile experience.

Thousands of open mic opportunities, and the chance to sing at any given moment has been a rollercoaster ride.

Travelling length and breadth of the uk searching for inspiration and knowledge of the music business, has also proved monumental and fascinating.

My training has covered almost every aspect of music, - and my accomplishments with the sing live company is worth a massive mention. -not everyone gets to sing at the Philharmonic Hall in my home town of Liverpool, not to mention a multitude of other important venues.

I’m presently at work publishing my novels, but music is still a work in progress, and a fourth album is in the pipeline?



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My Music

Select the track you want to listen to:

Poetry in Motion

Take Me There

Up Close and Personal



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My Books


Click on the book cover to view the book on Amazon

The Haunting
The Haunting
The Rock Band
The Rock Band
The Rock Band 2
The Rock Band 2
So You Wanna Be a Writer?
So you wanna be a writer>
Seven Days
Seven Days
We Didn't Start The Fire
Lockdown - We Didn't Start The Fire
Topple Side Town
Toppleside Town


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